Newest Boat Launch Completed at Wes Block Landing on the Pecatonica River
Contributed by Roger Schamberger and Joe Ginger
This past August, the Friends of the Pecatonica River Foundation completed a new kayak launch at Wes Block landing. Wes Block landing is 6 upriver miles from Tutty’s Crossing landing in Freeport. Using the Illinois Paddling Council’s launch guide FPRF plans the sites most likely to be accessible and developable. As a navigable stream, the Pecatonica River provides a great opportunity paddling opportunities in Stephenson County.
The new Wes Block launch site was on land donated to Stephenson County by Jim and Marilyn Klever and a development agreement between Stephenson County and FPRF made the site possible. FPRF reports that “It was almost magical in the way people and companies helped make this launch happen.”
FPRF would like to thank Fisher Excavation (excavation services), Fehr-Graham Associates (site plan) a local Eagle Scout who created the entrance sign an FPRF member submitted applications to the U.S.A.C.E, IDNR-OWR & IEPA for landing development permits.
Besides being a recreational opportunity for area residents, the Pecatonica River Water Trail attracts visitors to our community opening the door to new businesses and families. Please visit Illinois Friendliest Paddle You tube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GqfjnQk-U4&t=41s