Illinois Paddling Council
A Statewide Organization Representing the Interests of Paddle Sports Enthusiasts in Illinois

IPC State Wide Updates

Join our IPC Auxiliary Volunteers
The IPC is an ALL-volunteer organization focused on paddlesports in Illinois and we need your help! Join our newly-forming corps of Illinois Paddling Council Auxiliary Volunteers! No special expertise or…

The Illinois Paddling Council Priorities
Develop Water Trails and Improve access to Illinois waterways.
Work with State, Local, and National Governmental Agencies to address issues important to paddlers
Stewardship and Advocate for the conservation and restoration of Illinois Rivers and Lakes.
Paddling Safety and Education
Provide information about paddle-sports to paddlers and the public.
- Check out the American Canoe Association's awesome safety videos here.
Paddling competition and sanction races in Illinois.
IPC Membership is open to all individuals, families and paddling clubs.
Question about paddling Illinois?