
Little Calumet River Day

July 7, 2023

The first weekend in June always has questionable weather; will it be damp and raining or hot and dry?  This year it was not hot, but it was dry, extremely dry with the water levels low on the river.  The…

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A group of people paddling on boats

2023 Spring Races

July 7, 2023

The 2023 Racing Season is underway.  The first three races proved a challenge as Mother Nature grinned, but did not favor paddlers with a wide smile or water in the rivers. CURRENT BUSTER:  Fox River; Pottawatomie Park; upstream about 4…

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June 22, 2023

Picture a pasta strainer, used to retain the noodles while the water drains out. Now picture an unlimitied amount of water (like a river), and how that pasta would go nowhere, being continuously stuck by the force of water. That…

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