67th Annual Des Plaines River Canoe Marathon
By Don Mueggenborg
Over 600 people registered for the 67th Annual Des Plaines River Race with Canoe, Kayak and SUP classes; it is the longest running single day race in the USA. Paddlers came from 10 states, as far away as Arizona to participate.

The conditions were ideal – temperature not too hot or too cool, water level good but not dangerous, wind not too strong. A special thank you to Lake County and Cook County Forest Preserves for making sure the river was clear of obstacles. They also carve messages into the dead trees along the river, such as “FASTER,” “Halfway There,” and “HAVE FUN.” The river was so high this year, some of the messages were under water.

Start line director Bill McDermott was urging paddlers to beat two hours as water levels were almost perfect (this would be like the 4-minute mile in running).
Joe Crnkovich and Bob Hartman did not quite beat two hours as they matched each other stroke for stroke for over 18 miles. Around the bends and the long straightaway, where the dam used to be, they were neck-in-neck as they exchanged a single stroke lead. The lead could be won or lost simply by missing a stroke to grab some water.
Joe’s bow was ever so slightly ahead, then Bob, finally it was Joe.
Their times were 2:01:48:32 to 2:01:49:30, respectively. A margin as thin as a razor blade.
For the paddlers, it was even more exciting, not truly knowing until the end, who the champ would be. Last year, they were 17 seconds apart.
The previous record from the reports I have was 2:03 by Don Winter.

Everyone seemed especially happy after the race, although some were exhausted. Wish I had a picture of Pat sprawled over a canoe laying on the grass.
I encountered some trophy winners who excitedly let me know how happy they were, pointing to their times or just beaming as they introduced themselves to me. It made me happy to see them smiling so wide.
Among them, Bob Curran of Naperville, IL, and Maryclaire Eitel of Bartlet, IL (C2 Mixed Aluminum); Christine Chabot of Arlington Heights, IL (Women’s K-1 Rec); Jennifer Miksula of Montgomery, IL (K-1 Women’s Sea Kayak); and Karl Eugster, Oak Creek, WI (SUP)
Repeat winners from 2023 were Bob Westrum of Ogden, IA (K-1 Men’s Seas Kayak); Peter Visser of South Bend, IN and Dave Hutton of Phoenix, AZ (K2 Unlimited Kayak); and father/son team of Wally and George Werderich of Yorkville, IL (C2 Men’s Aluminum).
For many, this is a time to see old paddling friends, kind of like a class reunion. A former starter and a former frequent winner were there as spectators.
Paddlers and former paddlers greeted each other. They enjoyed telling “war stories” about their adventures to anyone who would listen. People stayed around to talk, watch others finish and help them carry their boats to shore, listen to the music and enjoy the food.
No injuries, but the nasty turtles grabbed a couple boats and turned them over (there has to be a reason why boats went over.)
Canoes are giving away to kayaks. Fifty years ago, the USCA mandated that a kayak (“a” meaning one) class be included in every race. Today, there are more kayaks than canoes and a SUP class has been added.
The number of people racing the “pro-boats competition class” for canoes has dropped off as the people who race them have gotten older and the younger or newer paddlers are racing kayaks.
Good competition abounds and everyone seemed happy at the end. Many are proud that they were able to do the whole course, while others celebrate a top three finish in their class, or just seem happy to have beat their times from previous years. There are many personal victories and everyone cheers each other on.
The volunteers running the race did their usual fine job. The camaraderie of the paddling community can’t be beat.
For Complete results go to https://s2.goeshow.com/dpckm/dpckm/2024/index.cfm
SEE YOU NEXT YEAR May 18, 2025 (Watch for registration opening about March 1)